This month of July started off to be very warm, with a bit of organized chaos in my work designation and home life. Yet, I pushed through. And, yes I can say this even though it is now only July 3rd, 2018. This semi-late update is simply because June got ahead of me. In June, I experienced two major celebrations; my daughter turned 25 and her beau Chris’ birthday was just 6 days prior to hers. I attended a leadership conference, and began a different path for myself. Though this new livelihood has been very rewarding thus far, there are still a few kinks I continue to shrink on a daily basis.
I guess the biggest challenge for me at this juncture of my life, is when I am faced with the awareness that I must compete with a younger generation when it comes to forging my continued career. In fact, just recently I was thinking about what other women my age must experience when they are forced to deal with similar issues. This familiarity can make anyone want to curl up and eat chocolate bon bons all day long. Yet, there is still such a thing as the powerful woman that should be recognized, embraced, and respected.
Take Deborah a prophetess in Judges 4:4-9. These verses describe her as a strong poised woman. The only female judge during this time. Her faith and trust in God was remarkable. She spoke with confidence and reassurance, and understood the importance of being honored and to not dim her light. She remained in her devotion and her obedience to God, despite the many trials of her time.Deborah loved her people and they loved her back. She even sang about the battle of that time and was known as the “Mother of Israel.”
As mothers, wives, caretakers, and loyal friends, we serve many people. And, it is important to serve ourselves, equally. When we serve our families, those in our workplaces, and other members of our neighborhoods and country, we always make a powerful impact, because we serve God. When we take care of ourselves, we are better able to serve Him.
When Barak asked Deborah to accompany him to Kedesh…“Certainly I will go with you,” said Deborah. “But because of the course you are taking, the honor will not be yours, for the Lord will deliver Sisera into the hands of a woman.” So Deborah went with Barak to Kedesh (Judges 4:9).
God has more than what he gave to Deborah awaiting you. However, you must be in deep awareness to receive what is in store. Get plenty of rest, stay focused, eat healthy meals, and walk with nature. You only have one body, so be good to yourself!
Have a splendid July!