Being Passionate About the Tasks God Gives Us
Verse: Nehemiah 1-2
Relax and Focus : Allow yourself to become centered by slowly breathing in and breathing out. Relax your mind and body.
Read : Nehemiah 1-2
Reflect : Nehemiah was a Jewish politician who lived in Susa (Babylon) the capital of Persia. His position in the Persian government required a great deal of respect. Yet, he missed his homeland and frequently reached out to God for comfort.
Putting yourself in Nehemiah’s shoes:
Who in your life right now has caused you to ponder and discern on decisions you have made?
Do you sometimes feel like an outcast pertaining to specific groups, because of the decisions you’ve made concerning your walk with God? How about feeling exiled from God’s purpose for you?
Nehemiah’s examples show us that whatever discomfort we feel, we must continue to pray for insight and understanding. We must also be vulnerable with God while sharing that we don’t know much without his guidance. During our own brokenness, we must remember the needs of others as well.
While reading this passage, consider the words or phrases that stand out to you, and why God placed those words on your heart. How does it filter into your current everyday situation? God offers many invitations to garner more wisdom about his caring love for us. Sit with these questions, and don’t feel rushed to find immediate answers.
Respond : Breathe in these words and take time to respond to God in any way you feel is good.
Rest : Immerse yourself in what has made an impact in your study for today. Remember your partnership with God is always available. He is always available. Rest in your thoughts and embrace any feelings you may hold.
Discuss: If you are led to do so, share your findings and discuss this experience with family and friends. Know that when your heart is broken so is God’s heart.
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God LOVES You!