September 16th’s Study Guide: Speak Up with Courage

Meditating on HIS words

as discussed in Joshua 1:8

September’s Theme: Speaking your Truth

siyach or hagah


                                                   Verses: Exodus 4:1, 10-14

Speak Up with Courage

Study Guide

Read : Exodus 4:1, 10-14

Reflect : Moses was quite skeptical that he would not be able to deliver the message that God sent him to give to his people. He hem-hawed several times, while making many excuses on why he couldn’t carry out this task. God reassured him several times that he could do it. When Moses just wouldn’t budge, He even made suggestions to him that if he still felt unprepared that perhaps he should ask Aaron the Levite to do it.

How many times in life have you told yourself the same lies? I am not good enough? I am not ready? I am not capable? Someone else should do it instead of me… In asking yourself these questions, have you ever considered that God is our ultimate coach in all things. We must step-up when he ask us to carry out specific tasks and to excel in communicating effectively around them. Likewise, we must also listen attentively on those task that are simply not for us.

Communicate! DO! You are equipped with everything that you need to serve him completely. When you come face-to-face with an opportunity to shine God’s Light, ask yourself— is this about me and my feelings or is it truly about service to God?

Respond : Journal on your answers to these profound questions. Revisit them every time you feel that you should remain quiet when speaking on your faithful path.

Rest : Use this exercise as a tangible model toward your encounter with others this week — within your homes, work environments, and otherwise.

Discuss : Practice your delivery with open family members and friends. Be sure to discuss why this is important to you, and thank them for allowing you to share your thoughts and feelings.

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