Spiritual Direction Counseling

55 minute sessions where we explore areas of concern. We examine you understanding of your relationship with God and discern your movement in spiritual life. In addition, we may look at ways to maximize your God-given gifts and potential to be the best you and live your life purpose. Lastly, we could possibly, also explore current events such as life’s challenges, loss, work stress, family issues, upcoming events, marriage preparations, and other concerns.

Sliding scale offered for those with a limited budget.

Please visit our schedule links set a date and time before paying for this consultation.



Pay Half- $45.00 with full payment at the time of service

Sunday October 14th’s Reflection

Meditating on HIS words: Joshua 1:8

October’s Theme: Self-Control

siyach or hagah


No Comparison

Relax and Focus: Prepare your reading space. Relax and focus on the joy of reading God’s words.

Read: 2 Corinthians 10:12-15, 17

Reflect: By driving around simply doing basic errands, what is easily found are bumper stickers sharing the accomplishments of family members, teams, or even that of business success. However, when these achievements propel us to share in this way, it is important to discern on a simple question. Is this boasting or is this comparison? The neighbor’s child who struggles in school, may find it very difficult to compare himself with his childhood friend who is a star student. So much of a great student that her parents drives around every day sharing with strangers, how wonderful she is, by displaying this on a piece of paper taped to the bumpers of their cars.

Moving into the work environment, think of how it makes you feel when your abilities are compared with someone else’s on your team. In fact, there are some leadership styles that feed on this form of “motivational” technique, noting that it may provoke others to become just as good. And, instead does quite the opposite. When you believe that you should voice your accomplishments, ask yourself…why is this necessary for me to do? How is this helping anyone? How do I believe that God sees me? Does God see my success? Does he help me to meet my goals? Does he love and accept me for who I am?

By reading his Word, there’s a high chance that you’d find the answers to these question. God sees your beauty, he wants to accompany you in everything, he loves and accepts you and your willingness to admit failures, to try and try, as you become closer to him. As Paul encouraged us to do Boast only in what God does!

Respond: Discern on the answers you’ve provided to these questions. Keep them near as a reference point for you during times when you believe or have a nudge to boast or compare on your achievements.

Rest: Rest your thoughts and consider ways you could move from boasting and comparing, to helping. If you are an expert in a subject, offer to tutor a child who is struggling in school. If God has done something to change your life significantly, boast on this!

Discuss: Share your findings with family members and friends who are open to listening. Be sure to discuss why this is important to you, and thank them for allowing you to share your thoughts and feelings.

Feel free to also share your thoughts on the comment link below or by clicking on the Facebook icon.

Copyrighted Material.

Empathy Toward Friends

Real friendships have the ability to change the world. Yes, I know that this may sound a bit quirky, but please bear with me as I share why. When friends are supportive of each other, this can make adjusting to some of life’s trials so much easier to maneuver through. A listening and empathetic ear, can often put a chaotic heart at ease. Sometimes people just need our soft presence and not one of judgment or criticism.

Providing these elements of kindness, refreshes the soul of a friend who needs it. Loyalty, honesty, and compassion from one person to another can break down barriers of protection that others may not have been able to chip through. A real friend can bring out the inherent beauty once embedded in the heart of another. When this beauty is revealed…watch out…as it will be filtered into daily interactions, creating a stream of kindness through those who are open to the positive effects this expression brings.

Real friends uphold accountability in strengths and weaknesses as an important aspect to flourish and grow. Be grateful for your true friend, as she is invaluable.

Enjoy your October!


Sunday October’s 7th’s Reflection

Meditating on HIS words: Joshua 1:8

October’s Theme: Self-Control

siyach or hagah


From Victim to Victor

Relax and Focus: Prepare your reading space. Relax and focus on the joy of reading God’s words.

Read: Psalm 91:11-12

Reflect: This prayer of Moses, a supreme man of God, discusses that you are protected by angels even in times of trouble. Not only to protect you, but to assist you in guarding your ways. Yet, questions that should be asked are—do you often sit still before responding to an uncomfortable situation? Do you trust that God’s angels will help you with the answers? Do you have a tendency to blame others based on what has happened to you in the past, or based on your current situation? How can the reassurance of this verse help you the next time you are faced with stressful situations? Striking a foot on a stone can be quite painful, just as agonizing is the discomfort inflicted on yourself and others when circumstances are out of control.

Respond: Discern on the answers you’ve provided to these questions. Keep them near as a reference point for you during times of anger, and if you continue to “lose it”, return to these verses over and over again.

Rest: Rest your thoughts and consider ways you could deflect anger toward another person or even on yourself, should this behavior show up this week. Allow yourself to be lifted-up into a new way of viewing things by becoming the victor over your words and actions toward others.

Discuss: Share your findings with family members and friends who are open to listen. Be sure to discuss why this is important to you, and thank them for allowing you to share your thoughts and feelings.

Feel free to also share your thoughts on the comment link below or by clicking on the facebook icon.

September 16th’s Study Guide: Speak Up with Courage

Meditating on HIS words

as discussed in Joshua 1:8

September’s Theme: Speaking your Truth

siyach or hagah


                                                   Verses: Exodus 4:1, 10-14

Speak Up with Courage

Study Guide

Read : Exodus 4:1, 10-14

Reflect : Moses was quite skeptical that he would not be able to deliver the message that God sent him to give to his people. He hem-hawed several times, while making many excuses on why he couldn’t carry out this task. God reassured him several times that he could do it. When Moses just wouldn’t budge, He even made suggestions to him that if he still felt unprepared that perhaps he should ask Aaron the Levite to do it.

How many times in life have you told yourself the same lies? I am not good enough? I am not ready? I am not capable? Someone else should do it instead of me… In asking yourself these questions, have you ever considered that God is our ultimate coach in all things. We must step-up when he ask us to carry out specific tasks and to excel in communicating effectively around them. Likewise, we must also listen attentively on those task that are simply not for us.

Communicate! DO! You are equipped with everything that you need to serve him completely. When you come face-to-face with an opportunity to shine God’s Light, ask yourself— is this about me and my feelings or is it truly about service to God?

Respond : Journal on your answers to these profound questions. Revisit them every time you feel that you should remain quiet when speaking on your faithful path.

Rest : Use this exercise as a tangible model toward your encounter with others this week — within your homes, work environments, and otherwise.

Discuss : Practice your delivery with open family members and friends. Be sure to discuss why this is important to you, and thank them for allowing you to share your thoughts and feelings.

Feel free to also share your thoughts on the comment link below or by clicking on the facebook icon.


September 9th Study Guide: Meditating on HIS Word

 This series is based on God’s Words to meditate 


                                                              Joshua 1:8

siyach or hagah


in Hebrew

Bursting to Speak Your Truth

Study Guide

Read : 2 Timothy 1:6-8

Reflect : Think of a time when you felt shy or decided to stay quiet as it came down to sharing how wonderful God is. Perhaps you were scared that someone would ridicule you or suggest to you that God is not real. Relating to Timothy where the Apostle Paul encourages him to be courageous in all things. How could you be bolder in your relationship with God? Through the sharing of your own experiences, do you believe that this could change someone’s life?  How can you cross the bridge to meet family members who are not believers? How can you prepare yourself to not judge others during their own journeys?

In life it is occasionally difficult to maneuver through what is not morally right. These experiences can often create internal chaos in the sense that we know it is important to speak upon God’s certainty; yet, we choose to remain silent. However, do you believe that God can assist you in speaking our holy-truth? How do you feel about being as authentic and as real to invite others to sincerely listen to you? When God has made a significant impact in your life, don’t you want to share this great news?

Respond : Journal on your answers to these profound questions. Revisit them every time you feel that you should remain quiet when speaking on your faithful path.

Rest : Use this exercise as a verbal model toward your encounter with others this week

Discuss : Practice your delivery with open family members and friends. Be sure to discuss why this is important to you, and thank them for allowing you to share your thoughts and feelings.

Feel free to also share your thoughts on the comment link below or by clicking on the facebook icon.

Previous Study Guides

God LOVES You!

September 2nd, 2018 Study & Guide: Meditating on His Words

 This series is based on God’s Words to meditate 


                                                              Joshua 1:8

siyach or hagah


in Hebrew

Bursting to Speak Your Truth

Study Guide

Series: Kindness in Words. Spirit in Actions (WK1)

Relax and Focus : Allow yourself to become centered by slowly breathing in and breathing out. Relax your mind and body.

Read : Proverbs 16:24

Take time to read these words. Look at them and allow them to fall into you.

Reflect : Think of moments when you’ve received compliments and kind words that were comforting and soothing to your soul. Honey during the time the Bible was written, was a staple food, which offered nutrients and medicinal benefits.  Compared in this context, imagine now, the sweetness of honey, and the soothing qualities it offers. Think of moments when you could have been kinder in your words. How does making someone feel unimportant apply to your life? Did this experience make you think of your past behaviors? Did you apologize? Or perhaps, may still need to? Consider Jesus sitting in the room without your knowledge…do you believe that he would approve of your behavior?

Echo on Solomon’s invitation in this reading. How does the passage reflect your current life? What ideas on being kinder and more thoughtful do you think you need to embrace as you start this new week?

Be open to receiving your answers, and be quiet with your thoughts and feelings. If they are in appreciation of HIM, tell HIM. If you need to begin again, tell HIM this too.

Respond : Breathe in these words and take time to respond to God in any way you feel is good.

Rest : Immerse yourself in what has made an impact in your study for today. Remember your partnership with God is always available. He is always available. Rest in your thoughts and embrace any feelings you may hold.

Discuss: If you are led to do so, share your findings and discuss this experience with family and friends. Know that when your heart is broken so is God’s heart.

Feel free to comment on our facebook page

Purpose of Respect

Ever been in a situation where you quickly became aware that a decision you’ve made was not the right one for your well-being? And, in making the choice to bow-out gracefully, you then realize that you are the one who is ridiculed for this conclusion you know is best for your growth and mental self-care.

In many professional and work situations, circumstances such as this one, are usually prompted by a lack of respect toward you; despite your knowledge, work, or careful nature. When experienced, it is clearly a form of microinvalidation, even though you hold optimum knowledge in your field. According to Sue (2017), microinvalidation is a form of microaggression that excludes or negates a person’s thoughts or feelings.

In considering the reasons you shouldn’t bow out, you often tell yourself this too shall pass. And, this reasoning to stay in becomes as a struggle. This struggle may appear as problems in your relationships, and may lead to health challenges due to stress and insufficient rest .

Garnered behavioral patterns when faced with such situations require integrity toward yourself as you continue on the path of who God has made you to be. Your careful actions should always be above reproach. Criticism from those who choose to disrespect you, should never be allowed to damper your spirits. Through your strength in God and your attitude, you may be building someone else’s faith, to assist him or her, to believe that God is our savior and partner in all of the unfortunate issues in this life.

Respect yourself as you respect those who verbally harm you. As we move toward God’s Light, it is the only way to clear the path toward the carefully-crafted love of God has for us.

Enjoy this beautiful month of September!

Rev. M. Charlotte Oliver

Sue, D. (2017). Microaggressions and marginality: Manifestation, dynamics, and impact. Hoboken, NJ;Wiley.