Beyond Borders

Immigrant Resettlement-Resource Navigation

Through community partnerships and referrals, combined experience, mutual language, and cultural similarity, we, alongside refugees and immigrants, build trust and personal relationships, provide positive role models for success, and encourage new Americans to persevere and build resilience. We walk with new Americans on their path to self-sufficiency through continuous services for up to three years from the date of arrival, with case management and career support at no cost.



English at Therapeus | Coming Autumn/Winter 2024/2025

Is a free second language program offered to new immigrants and refugees in the Denver, Metro area. This program is possible through the help of dedicated volunteers who are skilled in English as a second Language programs using the New AP curriculum. Seven member per session, classes are offered at our center location, and soon should be available for safe in-home two-hour tutoring sessions each week. We hope to have this program completely staffed to begin in Autumn/Winter 2024/2025.  


Parents as Teachers program | Beginning spring of 2025

Using the core curriculum of Parents as Teachers (PAT), a nationally accredited, evidence-based program, we assist parents of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers understand child development, promote literacy, access early learning programs, and become effective teachers and advocates. PAT’s mission is to better the lives of children in education, health, and safety. According to their website, Parents as Teachers, is an organization that builds strong communities, thriving families, and children who are healthy, safe, learning, and ready for school. Our PAT certified educators support immigrants and refugee parents in being the best teachers they can be!