Snow Dreams

It is 30 degrees and snowing right now and my day has been a good one.

I awoke at 5 am this morning, spent time in devotion, and worked on many last minute technical projects until around 8 am. I knew that our town was forecasted for snow and therefore, I started to plan my day around this event.

As I arose from bed it seemed quite dreary outside, the skies were gray and a frosty-dampness was evident; yet, I still made time to stretch my bones. The magnesium complex that I am taking every night before I retire seems to be proving to do some good. Not only am I am resting well, I also awake energized. I shared this with my friend Susan in Tennessee during our lovely conversation last evening, and communicated that I hope this is for real.

As the day progressed, I attended a gratitude ceremony on a local farm in Colorado owned by my dear farmer-friends, Christine and John. I always enjoy spending time with them as their property is inspiring and gives me hope that soon I will have a homestead of my own.

I returned home, had a great BIG salad, and then decided to read a bit. I made it in the door just in time before the snow started to quietly fall. When it comes time to shovel my driveway, I grumble sometimes; however, I do enjoy this time of the year. It is so beautiful and tranquil to watch the snow fall, and to watch one of my Pomeranian play, and play, and play. She loves it so much as depicted in the photo below. She had a great time running around  this afternoon, as I checked on the greenhouses and the fragrant herbs I have growing in them. I patiently await the many seed catalogs I know are on the way, as I continue to contemplate what to grow this year. I want apple, pear, and peach trees, grapevines, and all sorts of berries on my homestead. I want alpacas too…I reckon that every day I am getting closer, and for this I am so grateful.


Tomorrow my day starts at around 3 am, so I must say goodnight. I hold the light for all of you for a beautiful week ahead.

Many blessings,

Rev. Charlotte

Night has Come

Night has come at last.

It is that time when I can sit back and enjoy the quietude around us. Even though I reside in a small suburb of Denver, Colorado, there are still moments that we hear the sound of an ambulance go by.  Since I live in close vicinity to a hospital, this is expected. However, not so much tonight. It is so very quiet here at this moment. I can’t even hear the frigid winds that took over the day. Its force appears to have removed the last leaves from the trees in my neighborhood.  In fact, coming home today, it was almost impossible to see the darkness where fresh tar once laid; instead, all I could see were leftover dried leaves scattered everywhere; like, my mind sometimes in these planning phases…

The chill of the day, made me a bit concerned about the herbs in my little greenhouse constructed only about two weeks ago. Although I have it heated, I still worry about my little plants, which provided such wonderful flavors to my most recent Christmas meal. Fresh sage and thyme galore, and chocolate mint tea with sweet potato and pumpkin pie to follow.  I said to friends over the weekend, how grateful I am to have this to enjoy in the middle of a minor snow shower yesterday morning, and how much I relish the simplicity of  life now lived in a city far removed from the hustle and bustle. Can you imagine how tranquil I will be when I finally obtain land? I am patient; yet, eager at the same time. Please bare with me.

I have so much more to say…but sleepiness becomes me, and my day starts at 2:50 in the morning. I guess I am preparing for when I get to milk the cows and feed the chickens.

If you find my writings are worth a kind comment or two, please do share about your life and your day as well.

Count your sheeps and sleep with the angels,

Rev. Charlotte