Inner Winter to Inner Spring

It’s the 13th day in the month of March, 2019. As I compose this short note, I can’t see through my window! We are in the middle of a serious winter blizzard in the Denver South region. It is cold, snowy, and very windy.

Snow often leaves many layers. Sometimes very fluffy on top, but quite icy on the bottom; like some friends we’ve known or still know. I think of how much our God provides if we simply follow His basic guidelines. We are in control of building our self-mastery to the point of no return. No return to bad relationships, no return to business dealings that lack integrity, no return to disrespect…you get my point, right?

On days where the weather condition is a huge deterrent from us getting into our cars, there are some who must still go to work, school, or other appointments. As women of Christ, if we must venture out in unsafe conditions, we trust God to keep us safe. As we must also trust him in our relationships and other areas of our lives.

Let’s try to trust in Him every day. Let’s trust Him like Deborah did when she moved into battle (Judges 4:8-9). Let’s allow Him to make a difference in us and for us in this month of March and always.  His love warms the soul.

Rev. Charlotte

New Year…Same Ole’ You or New You?

Every time we are offered a new year, this event provides most the opportunity to turn over a new leaf. The other side of this leaf may be to lose 20 pounds, to find real love, to start a new job, or simply to be better than the year before.

This week for the most special reason (it’s where God wanted me to be), I spent a great time reading through the book of Galatians. In verse 5, the Apostle Paul encourages us to walk by the Spirit. He didn’t just suggest that we do this, he took the time to explain what it means to be in a constant pace with God. To walk upright we must not practice:

immortality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, and carousing.

Wow! That’s a lot to consider, huh?

But I believe, offers us a friendly reminder of things we may have done in 2018 that perhaps we should avoid this year, 2019. Women captivating to God, follow his guidelines. We wait for the God-centered husband, and this husband ‘waits’ for us. So many of us today, do not think twice when it comes to physical sensuality before marriage. This group adhere to the behaviors of the outer world, and not that of the spiritual inner world, which is God’s temple. Consider this…If you had the opportunity to visit His temple for a day, would you do something in this sacred space that is not honorable to Him?

In his letter to the church of Galatia, the Apostle Paul laid out the foundation of how to live a noble life; one that is pleasing to God. Here as follows:

To inherit the kingdom of God we must know and practice the fruit of the Spirit which is love, joy, peace, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

When we love ourselves, we can be ready to eat healthy foods and exercise more to reach the New Year weight loss goals we set. Impure thoughts and actions can no longer be a part of who we are. We are modest in our dress, and restrain from sensuality with the people we date. We teach each other to love one another through the letting go of strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, envy, and perhaps supporting a friend in his or her quest toward sobriety.  We become joyful, gentle, and peaceful. Through self-control, we have faith that all challenges will pass. We become goodness in all areas of our lives.

“You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh rather, serve one another humbly in love.” – Galatians 5:13

So, as you continue your stride into 2019, reflect on the Apostle Paul’s words and try to incorporate them into every area of your life. I’ll always lift you up in prayer and ask that you do the same for me.

May Christ be with you, always.

Rev. Charlotte

Core Values of Captivating Women’s Ministry

Doctrinal Veracity: We embrace every person for the purpose of discovering a communal ground in the spiritual tenets and goals we all share. For this reason, we encourage the exploration of spiritual texts from the Bible, as the avenue to feminine wholeness.

Spiritual Vigor: We understand that some take different paths to knowing God; however, our path is through the love and appreciation of Jesus Christ. If this is not your path, we still welcome you to our circle.

Motivation: We do not exist to obtain knowledge only. In its place the epistemology acquired and relationships built in this forum, are far reaching to extend into our everyday communities. We consistently walk our talk as child, parent, wife, significant other, companion, neighbor, family member, friend, co-worker, acquaintance, and, as stranger.

Excellence: We excel as true authentic followers of  Jesus exemplifying all that is good. We are virtuous in all that we do. We respect and honor those with whom we are bonded to, and live a life which exudes the essences of  well-being, optimism, mutuality, appreciation, and nobility (WOMAN).

Servant Leadership: We follow the model of Divine Intelligence (DI) to apply guidance through the acts of fostering and authentically encouraging those around us. We give credit where credit is due, in the knowing that as we learn together, we thrive together.

Shine His Light in Your Hearts

So much has happened since I last sat down to write a short note to you. Our ministry finally received the name change we applied for through the IRS, all organizational changes were completed without a hitch, I took impromptu trips to 3 small towns in Colorado, had overnight company, welcomed a new member to our ministry’s design team, and much more.

Throughout every process, so much was revealed to me of why I left the some-timey life of my casual walk with Christ to now having a pleasant marathon as I run with him, doing this work, and run toward him, every chance that I get. Gosh my heart leaps even now, to think of this beautiful and sweet relationship.

This time of the year, offers so much wonder and anticipation as we come closer to the birth of Jesus. On my evening drives, the beautiful decorations (I prefer white lights) are so touching to see. Christmas & candle light during the month of December carves out my journey to the coming of such a magnificent being, our Jesus. Among many other seasonal splendor, I cherish these so…

Whatever, your traditions are for Christmas, think of what the Apostle Paul wrote and likewise my prayer for you.

“My prayer is that light will flood your hearts and that you will understand the hope that was given to you when God chose you. Then you will discover the glorious blessings that will be yours together with all of God’s people.” ~ Ephesians 1:18 CEV

Always keep his Light in your heart.

With Love,


Tradition: A Stepping Stone to Identity

November, the month Thanksgiving is celebrated in the United States, reminds us that we are part of a family. This family may be biological, a group of friends, or those in any environment that offer a sense of identity. The activities done and relationships formed in these settings, create traditions and acceptance, which help to define us.

During this time of the year, some select not to become involved with those who have bred them. This decision could be based on childhood trauma or because friends have become family. Just in the last few years, I have noticed recipe and gift suggestions on how to have a successful “Friendsgiving” celebration. Many people are now choosing to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday in this manner, rather than doing so with family. I don’t believe that there’s anything wrong with this choice. In fact, I support it, especially for those who have lost loved ones and continue to cope with this lost. Lost, remember, appear in all forms. Whatever that may look like for you, I offer up prayers.

Albeit, those who prefer to simply be removed from family at this time, should remember that it is impossible to keep running from what is preventing you from facing  the underlying issues. Sometimes you may feel that you can overcome with all you’ve got, and other times the fetal position in bed, will do just fine. As Christian women, we too are tested as we hold on to this consistently-known tradition of identity, while carrying the heaviness of the suit of armour, worn to fight off the enemy.

What we also know is that God approves of us, because he loves us unconditionally. Conversely, he favors peace, love, and forgiveness more than anything.  Despite this acknowledgement, you may not be able to find it in your heart to carry out what he expects from all of us. And, he may even understand that you should be given more time. In this case, consider, writing a note or sending a card to your loved ones wishing them a Happy Thanksgiving. God will work through this gesture to begin the healing process. This could very possibly be the most important step to free you from burdened-despair.

Stepping stones, guide us on chosen paths. Add this one to the concrete identity of finding perfect peace; the kind Jesus referred to when he directed us a women… to hold on to (Luke 7:50).

I testify, right here and now, that this is possible. If you are unsure how to move forward, call me to get a consult set up. I’d love to partner with you on this journey!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration.

With love,
