Includes pre-marital counseling and other areas of mending or growth potential prior to marriage. 55 minute sessions
Marriage Prep Christian Counseling $75.00
Pay-half with full payment due at time of service $37.50
Care. Comfort. Connect
Includes pre-marital counseling and other areas of mending or growth potential prior to marriage. 55 minute sessions
Marriage Prep Christian Counseling $75.00
Pay-half with full payment due at time of service $37.50
Real friendships have the ability to change the world. Yes, I know that this may sound a bit quirky, but please bear with me as I share why. When friends are supportive of each other, this can make adjusting to some of life’s trials so much easier to maneuver through. A listening and empathetic ear, can often put a chaotic heart at ease. Sometimes people just need our soft presence and not one of judgment or criticism.
Providing these elements of kindness, refreshes the soul of a friend who needs it. Loyalty, honesty, and compassion from one person to another can break down barriers of protection that others may not have been able to chip through. A real friend can bring out the inherent beauty once embedded in the heart of another. When this beauty is revealed…watch out…as it will be filtered into daily interactions, creating a stream of kindness through those who are open to the positive effects this expression brings.
Real friends uphold accountability in strengths and weaknesses as an important aspect to flourish and grow. Be grateful for your true friend, as she is invaluable.
Enjoy your October!
Meditating on HIS words
as discussed in Joshua 1:8
September’s Theme: Speaking your Truth
siyach or hagah
Verses: Exodus 4:1, 10-14
Speak Up with Courage
Read : Exodus 4:1, 10-14
Reflect : Moses was quite skeptical that he would not be able to deliver the message that God sent him to give to his people. He hem-hawed several times, while making many excuses on why he couldn’t carry out this task. God reassured him several times that he could do it. When Moses just wouldn’t budge, He even made suggestions to him that if he still felt unprepared that perhaps he should ask Aaron the Levite to do it.
How many times in life have you told yourself the same lies? I am not good enough? I am not ready? I am not capable? Someone else should do it instead of me… In asking yourself these questions, have you ever considered that God is our ultimate coach in all things. We must step-up when he ask us to carry out specific tasks and to excel in communicating effectively around them. Likewise, we must also listen attentively on those task that are simply not for us.
Communicate! DO! You are equipped with everything that you need to serve him completely. When you come face-to-face with an opportunity to shine God’s Light, ask yourself— is this about me and my feelings or is it truly about service to God?
Respond : Journal on your answers to these profound questions. Revisit them every time you feel that you should remain quiet when speaking on your faithful path.
Rest : Use this exercise as a tangible model toward your encounter with others this week — within your homes, work environments, and otherwise.
Discuss : Practice your delivery with open family members and friends. Be sure to discuss why this is important to you, and thank them for allowing you to share your thoughts and feelings.
Feel free to also share your thoughts on the comment link below or by clicking on the facebook icon.
This series is based on God’s Words to meditate
Joshua 1:8
siyach or hagah
in Hebrew
Bursting to Speak Your Truth
Series: Kindness in Words. Spirit in Actions (WK1)
Relax and Focus : Allow yourself to become centered by slowly breathing in and breathing out. Relax your mind and body.
Read : Proverbs 16:24
Take time to read these words. Look at them and allow them to fall into you.
Reflect : Think of moments when you’ve received compliments and kind words that were comforting and soothing to your soul. Honey during the time the Bible was written, was a staple food, which offered nutrients and medicinal benefits. Compared in this context, imagine now, the sweetness of honey, and the soothing qualities it offers. Think of moments when you could have been kinder in your words. How does making someone feel unimportant apply to your life? Did this experience make you think of your past behaviors? Did you apologize? Or perhaps, may still need to? Consider Jesus sitting in the room without your knowledge…do you believe that he would approve of your behavior?
Echo on Solomon’s invitation in this reading. How does the passage reflect your current life? What ideas on being kinder and more thoughtful do you think you need to embrace as you start this new week?
Be open to receiving your answers, and be quiet with your thoughts and feelings. If they are in appreciation of HIM, tell HIM. If you need to begin again, tell HIM this too.
Respond : Breathe in these words and take time to respond to God in any way you feel is good.
Rest : Immerse yourself in what has made an impact in your study for today. Remember your partnership with God is always available. He is always available. Rest in your thoughts and embrace any feelings you may hold.
Discuss: If you are led to do so, share your findings and discuss this experience with family and friends. Know that when your heart is broken so is God’s heart.
Feel free to comment on our facebook page.
Ever been in a situation where you quickly became aware that a decision you’ve made was not the right one for your well-being? And, in making the choice to bow-out gracefully, you then realize that you are the one who is ridiculed for this conclusion you know is best for your growth and mental self-care.
In many professional and work situations, circumstances such as this one, are usually prompted by a lack of respect toward you; despite your knowledge, work, or careful nature. When experienced, it is clearly a form of microinvalidation, even though you hold optimum knowledge in your field. According to Sue (2017), microinvalidation is a form of microaggression that excludes or negates a person’s thoughts or feelings.
Garnered behavioral patterns when faced with such situations require integrity toward yourself as you continue on the path of who God has made you to be. Your careful actions should always be above reproach. Criticism from those who choose to disrespect you, should never be allowed to damper your spirits. Through your strength in God and your attitude, you may be building someone else’s faith, to assist him or her, to believe that God is our savior and partner in all of the unfortunate issues in this life.
Respect yourself as you respect those who verbally harm you. As we move toward God’s Light, it is the only way to clear the path toward the carefully-crafted love of God has for us.
Enjoy this beautiful month of September!
Rev. M. Charlotte Oliver
Sue, D. (2017). Microaggressions and marginality: Manifestation, dynamics, and impact. Hoboken, NJ;Wiley.
August 19th, 2018
Relax and Focus : Allow yourself to become centered by slowly breathing in and breathing out. Relax your mind and body.
Read Matthew 14:22-33 – Take time to read these words. Look at them and allow them to fall into you.
Reflect : Close your eyes and consider what this scene must have looked like. We often see them depicted in movies and television shows; however, find your own way of imaging this moment. It was rain and windy and the sea was rough. It must have been very difficult to see Jesus through all of this; yet, the disciples felt his presence and saw him through all of it.
Even though the disciples were skilled fishermen, the weather conditions caused them to struggle greatly. What did they touch? How did the water feel on their faces? Was the air too cold to bear? Were they simply just fatigued?
Your struggles today, even though quite different, may cause you to wonder if God hears your prayers…if Jesus knows your needs. He walked on the water that night to offer comfort to his disciples. If you believe differently, what do you think were his motives?
Peter who often was/is considered weak or even doubtful, wanted to join Jesus on the water. Yet, his lack of faith and his fair caused him to sink into the water. Yet, Jesus reached out to him to lift him up, but not without a recognition of Peter’s weakness. “You of little faith.” he said to Peter. What about your Faith? If Jesus stood before you at this moment, would be saying this to you? Do you think he would be out of control with anger toward you? Would he call you more names or ridicule you? Would he teach you with kindness as he consistently did with his disciples? Do you believe he’d catch you when you sink?
Reflect again on his invitation in the readings. How does this make you feel? How does the passage reflect your current life? What ideas and feelings do you think you need to hold on to as you start this new week?
Be open to receiving your answers, and be quiet with your thoughts and feelings. If they are in appreciation of HIM, tell HIM. If you need to start over, tell HIM this too.
Respond : Breathe in these words and take time to respond to God in any way you feel is good.
Rest : Immerse yourself in what has made an impact in your study for today. Remember your partnership with God is always available. He is always available. Rest in your thoughts and embrace any feelings you may hold.
Discuss: If you are led to do so, share your findings and discuss this experience with family and friends. Know that when your heart is broken so is God’s heart.
Feel free to comment on our facebook page.
Being Passionate About the Tasks God Gives Us
Verse: Nehemiah 1-2
Relax and Focus : Allow yourself to become centered by slowly breathing in and breathing out. Relax your mind and body.
Read : Nehemiah 1-2
Reflect : Nehemiah was a Jewish politician who lived in Susa (Babylon) the capital of Persia. His position in the Persian government required a great deal of respect. Yet, he missed his homeland and frequently reached out to God for comfort.
Putting yourself in Nehemiah’s shoes:
Who in your life right now has caused you to ponder and discern on decisions you have made?
Do you sometimes feel like an outcast pertaining to specific groups, because of the decisions you’ve made concerning your walk with God? How about feeling exiled from God’s purpose for you?
Nehemiah’s examples show us that whatever discomfort we feel, we must continue to pray for insight and understanding. We must also be vulnerable with God while sharing that we don’t know much without his guidance. During our own brokenness, we must remember the needs of others as well.
While reading this passage, consider the words or phrases that stand out to you, and why God placed those words on your heart. How does it filter into your current everyday situation? God offers many invitations to garner more wisdom about his caring love for us. Sit with these questions, and don’t feel rushed to find immediate answers.
Respond : Breathe in these words and take time to respond to God in any way you feel is good.
Rest : Immerse yourself in what has made an impact in your study for today. Remember your partnership with God is always available. He is always available. Rest in your thoughts and embrace any feelings you may hold.
Discuss: If you are led to do so, share your findings and discuss this experience with family and friends. Know that when your heart is broken so is God’s heart.
Feel free to comment on our facebook page.
God LOVES You!
Verse: Proverbs 3:1-8
A full and happy life is a longing for most who are not in denial that this is achievable. Yet, the steps needed to reach this pinnacle can take a bounty of undesirable work. Undesirable work often produces laziness that is so very comfortable, it is difficult to often recognize.
The passage that I’ve based this month’s message on, states that following God as our leader is the only way to flourish in every layer of our lives. It is where we can rid ourselves of laziness, strife, unforgiveness, self-denial, and other enemy-reaching ideologies about our true identity of what we really mean to God.
To prosper in this uniqueness allows us to sparkle from the inside out. It produces loyalty to God, filtered into who he wants us to be. This faithfulness is transcendent when we come to realize that it should likewise also be shared in support of others who may or may not be on the same path that we have chosen.
Devotion to God does not share room with laziness or excuses. It is a continuous departure from the old way once known, to the new way of bathing in HIS WORD! Yes, there are lemons such as job loss, relationship problems, losing a family member, or even tragedy that we must sometimes unfortunately face. They often seem to show up and grow in the midst of our attempts to do good…to be good. However, our faithfulness as the sugar cane proudly developing, yields the sweetness of God’s love. God’s love is always there for us. He longs for the ultimate relationship where we place our trust in Him. He is in control! Our faithfulness is important to Him as he leads us on the path and destination of comfort, peace, and, the fullness of life.
Have a most beautiful and fulfilling August, sweet friends!
In grace & gratitude,
Rev. Charlotte
This month of July started off to be very warm, with a bit of organized chaos in my work designation and home life. Yet, I pushed through. And, yes I can say this even though it is now only July 3rd, 2018. This semi-late update is simply because June got ahead of me. In June, I experienced two major celebrations; my daughter turned 25 and her beau Chris’ birthday was just 6 days prior to hers. I attended a leadership conference, and began a different path for myself. Though this new livelihood has been very rewarding thus far, there are still a few kinks I continue to shrink on a daily basis.
I guess the biggest challenge for me at this juncture of my life, is when I am faced with the awareness that I must compete with a younger generation when it comes to forging my continued career. In fact, just recently I was thinking about what other women my age must experience when they are forced to deal with similar issues. This familiarity can make anyone want to curl up and eat chocolate bon bons all day long. Yet, there is still such a thing as the powerful woman that should be recognized, embraced, and respected.
Take Deborah a prophetess in Judges 4:4-9. These verses describe her as a strong poised woman. The only female judge during this time. Her faith and trust in God was remarkable. She spoke with confidence and reassurance, and understood the importance of being honored and to not dim her light. She remained in her devotion and her obedience to God, despite the many trials of her time.Deborah loved her people and they loved her back. She even sang about the battle of that time and was known as the “Mother of Israel.”
As mothers, wives, caretakers, and loyal friends, we serve many people. And, it is important to serve ourselves, equally. When we serve our families, those in our workplaces, and other members of our neighborhoods and country, we always make a powerful impact, because we serve God. When we take care of ourselves, we are better able to serve Him.
When Barak asked Deborah to accompany him to Kedesh…“Certainly I will go with you,” said Deborah. “But because of the course you are taking, the honor will not be yours, for the Lord will deliver Sisera into the hands of a woman.” So Deborah went with Barak to Kedesh (Judges 4:9).
God has more than what he gave to Deborah awaiting you. However, you must be in deep awareness to receive what is in store. Get plenty of rest, stay focused, eat healthy meals, and walk with nature. You only have one body, so be good to yourself!
Have a splendid July!